Friday, August 8, 2014


Hey Guys!

Sorry I was gone so long! It my have only been two days but I missed sharing my knowledge and thoughts with you guys! I didn't get any comments on my question about what my healthy kitchen should cook first I think it will probably be a good idea to start with meat and work my way into peoples hearts before i take away meat! Probably a good idea if I actually want views! (btw I don't know the name yet so I'm just calling it that for now.) 

Also to keep you up to date, Beachbody is going great!! I'm having a blast digging in and learning how to run my own business and connect with others! I also have some amazing people backing me up and giving my some awesome positive energy! I love the team and I can't wait to get my first coach under me and start working out with others! I can't believe this is going to be my job! It will be stressful at times but I think everything that's great is usually a challenge. With every challenge we become stronger. I strongly believe that anything can happen in life if you give it your all! So with that said I will be posting some beachbody stuff. I don't know how much but I would love to keep you updated and if you Like my Facebook page you can fallow me in my journey of being a coach! Thank you so much for all of your support in my adventure to live my dream! :D

Now for the fun part! Cravings and why do we have them? What is our body wanting? How can you satisfy them with out eating junk? Well I have something really awesome to show you guys!  

I'm sorry that it's so huge but that's the best way to see it. It was fuzzy other wise! is an amazing site that tries to keep others updated on ways to buy organic cheaper and what's going on in the organic community. They were my first Like on Facebook to a health page. They share a lot on Facebook so if you want more of those kind of posts in your news feed I'd highly suggest giving them a like! 

So here is the craving chart! Pretty awesome huh?! When I found this I was so excited! But I never used it. D: However I went off board and gained ten pounds back and some tummy so that's what I get for not using it! HA! I do crave salad a lot around my lady time so at least I have that down! I hope this helps you guys and I hope you save it and use it!   It's a great resource when your just starting out and everyday is a struggle to either be someone new and better or fall back into your old habits and be upset with your self. It happens I know. #Beentheredonethat

Alright sorry to make it short but It's 1:40 so I should probably get off here! I'll write more on Sunday! Till them feel free to leave any feed back, It's always welcomed!

-Sara Star

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