Thursday, July 31, 2014



I have had a very relaxing day off today! I wouldn't be able to do that if it wasn't for my sweet husband always working so hard! I spent this whole day thinking about my dinner choices. Nothing can make you fall off the band wagon like getting bored with your meals. I found so many awesome ideas I want to try in the next couple of weeks. I'll make sure to tell you guys all about them. Plus my husband suggested I make a Healthy cooking show! How exciting! It's also a great idea for opening me up and making me comfortable with being more social!

If you follow my Facebook page Then you've been waiting all day to hear about my Popsicle attempt! Here's what I did:

Equipment you'll need
-Popsicle mold (dollar store has them for a $1)
- knife 
-cutting board
- 1/2 Watermelon
- 5 Ice cubs
- 6oz Almond milk
(This is a ruff estimate. I didn't plan to put these on here but I thought it would be fun! However it's really easy to taste it and adjust if needed :D)

Cut up watermelon and place in blender. Add ice and almond milk. Blend well. Then just pour into Popsicle mold and freeze overnight!

You'll Have left overs unless you have two molds. I just drank the leftovers as a smoothie so I could enjoy some of it then too!

And here they are! I added almond milk because I'm try to get as much as I can out of these sweet treats! I couldn't taste it but I haven't asked anyone else what they thought of it so if you want you can leave the almond milk out of it!

With my extreme craving for sweets I have to have something handy to tide me over! Sometimes just eating fruit isn't exciting enough! I can't wait to try more Popsicle out and tell you what I thought! 

That's just one way I've been dealing with my cravings for sugar! There are tons of fun creative ideas out there and as I find them I'll share them with you guys! 

For People just starting to clean up your diet the hardest part is quitting soda. I've talked to so many soda addicts since I decided to change. I personally didn't have a hard time giving up soda but I know lots of people that do. I've Drank a ton of soda in my life. I grew up on the stuff. It's at every BBQ , Outing and social event. It has a whole wall and lots of adverting through out every grocery store. It's EVERYWHERE and it's terrible for you.

Each can of Coke contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. This is 100 percent of your recommended daily intake. In normal circumstances, the extreme sweetness of this much sugar would immediately cause you to vomit uncontrollably. However, since all that sugar is addictive and keeps you coming back for more, Coca-Cola adds phosphoric acid -– an ingredient that cuts the sweetness to manageable levels.” - See more at: (Sweet it put the link for me! )

That's just awful. When people have a soda they don't just have one 16 oz glass either. Soda actually makes you thirsty and want to drink more. There's no wondering why so many people are sick these days. Sugar feeds cancer cells. Your killing yourself with every drink and enjoying it. 

Step 1 to kicking soda:
I suggest getting a Brita water pitcher. This was how I started with my husband for quitting soda. One of the number one reasons people give me for not drinking water is that it doesn't taste like anything or that they don't like the taste of it. Filtered water is so good! If you get the pitcher it will be in the fridge as well making it oh so cold and thirst quenching! It's well worth the investment and it will be less expensive then buying soda all the time! Especially with the price some places charge for fountain drinks! I also suggest getting a stainless steal water bottle so you can have it on the go. Making it less likely to stop for a drink somewhere. I wouldn't suggest Disposable water bottles. They fill up land fills and have tons of chemicals in them from the plastic. Companies often like to put Minerals and natural flavorings in them. I don't really see a point in that and If they can't tell me what those "natural flavorings" are I don't care to have them.

That's The first step I took! I hope that helps anyone who's struggling! I'll be back tomorrow with some more suggestions on how to stop drinking soda. Have a great night everyone!

-Sara Star 


  1. Love Almond Milk thanks for introducing it to me Sara! Will try out your watermelon popsciles!
