Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My journey!


My name is Sara! I'm at the young age of 22. I have a wonderful and inspiring husband and a beautiful cat named Echo. I really couldn't ask for a better life! In the last year I finally decided what I would like to do for a living! I was starting to think I'd never find something. In 2012 I revived a wonderful gift of $100 from an aunt. I had been thinking about losing weight for quite a while so I decided to buy a fit bit one! So with that I made my 2013 resolution to lose weight. I started with the kinect and Your Shape Fitness Evolved! At the time I had no clue how much I was going to fall in I love with fitness! My Love for fitness and health made me want to spend the rest of my life showing others how to feel the same way!

Now that I've introduced myself we can get to the fun part!

Most people start their weight loss with one sad thought. I can't eat this....or that... Probably the worst way to start something! To truly start something life changing you must want it! Have you ever noticed that when you go into anything thinking " This is going to be awful!" it usually is...

Instead be excited! Your starting a journey to being a whole new you! A you that gave up soda to water and actually started to enjoy it?! A you that looks at those mini cakes and sees whats really in them. An Educated healthy human being that understands why you cant have something and why that new thing you thought you would hate is so much better! Not only in your head but in your tummy too! 

This can be a whole new life full of energy. Full of happiness and most importantly full of FUN! You probably won't believe how alive you will feel! But it has to begin with closing a few doors that never should have been opened. 

This journey begins with sweets and I'm right there with you! If there is anything I crave the most it's sweets! 
Years of downing sodas and eating ten million Popsicle in one day have left me with what I could only believe to be a PERMANENT CRAVING. And a very dangerous one at that. 

Mounting evidence suggests that flooding your system with the sweet stuff can play a role in obesity, heart disease, and cancer." (credit)

Ouch. I hurt just hearing that! Not something I want to happen to me. But what am I to do? It's everywhere I go! Heck I work at a sweets shop! I'm surrounded by sugar all day! That's when I got a thought. I should start a blog to help keep me accountable and to share with others my struggle in overcoming this addiction that a lot of people have! 

And so it begins! I'm excited about sharing my feelings, struggles and advice with anyone i can get to read this! I hope that I can show you that it's hard to change almost everything you know about food but it's not impossible. It can even be fun! 

And that ends my introduction blog! I'll be back tomorrow! In the meantime tell me what you thought of my blog!

Also I'm starting my Facebook page back up if you'd like to see more :D

- Sara Star

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